Professional installation recommended if....
Professional installation of a custom liner is recommended if the tank or reservoir is.... 1) larger than 10,000 gallons; 2) covered and has one or more roof support posts; 3) requires specially fabricated plumbing; 4) requires special installation tooling or equipment; 5) requires adapting liners to side manholes, openings through a center wall of a divided tanks or to anything protruding from tank walls; 6) requires exhausting fumes that could be life threatening or deadly if handled incorrectly.

Cal Osha standards
New World installers have had first aid training and have been trained on CAL-OSHA'S Confined Space Standards and Fall Protection Standards. Safety is our #1 main concern on any job.

Area covered
We prefer to limit installations to Central and Northern California but have been known to travel outside California on occasion.

Contractor License & insurance
We hold contractor's license #618911 in the specialty C-61 category for installation of liners and baffles. Verification of Insurance (workers compensation and liability) will be supplied when required and requested.